Tuesday, September 1: Colossians 2- Jesus is God.

Colossians gives us one of the richest pictures of Jesus Christ in the Epistles. Colossians lauds Jesus Christ as fully God. I was drawn to this truth as I read today.

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority (9-10).

Can there be a more wonderful time of devotion than pondering the wonder of Jesus Christ, my Savior?!

In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form… While Jesus walked this earth He was totally human and fully God. Amazing.

Honestly trying to comprehend this is a bit much for my finite mind. I believe it, I take it by faith but I really can’t fully comprehend it. How can all of God be crammed into one finite human body?  This is beyond me to understand.

I am okay with this mystery of the faith. In fact it actually gives me some comfort because if I could fully comprehend God, then that god would have to be a mighty small god!

I wonder sometimes what it was like for the disciples and people who met and knew Jesus to learn that in addition to being Jesus, son of Joseph from Nazareth, He was also simultaneously God of the universe?!? That is Paul’s message.

And if we don’t get Paul’s point with the first clause, he continues:

He [Christ] is the head over every power and authority… I want to circle the word ‘every.’ Think of any power or authority in this world and in every world, Christ is over every one of those authorities. Isn’t this is another definition of God… that which is over everything thing else?

Jesus, my Lord, is my God. Jesus, my Lord, is THE God. And Jesus invites me to sit with Him and get to know Him. Jesus invites me (you, anyone, everyone) to walk, learn, follow and be His representatives in the world. Wow! I am blown away!!!

Bless You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for saving me and for revealing Yourself to me. Alleluia. Amen.


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