Tuesday, September 15: 1John 1- FORGIVEN.

Many Sundays we hear these words spoken from up front after a time of personal or corporate confession, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (9). The ‘he’ is God. And just a sentence or two earlier, John reminded us, if we walk in the light, as he [God] is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin (7).

Two words clicked in my thoughts… fellowship and forgiven.

Walking in the light, walking in faith with the God of the Bible, which comes through faith in Jesus Christ, gives us access to total and unconditional forgiveness. The blood of Jesus washes us (purifies us) for all unrighteous and all sin. What a gift. There is no way in our own strength or ability we could have done enough to merit total and unconditional forgiveness! Gift… this is the great gift of God through faith in Jesus.

Being forgiven opens wide the door to fellowship with God, a total and open relationship with God, the maker of heaven and earth. No hiding necessary, no pretending necessary… we can know God and be known by Him.

O my, the gift of Jesus and His forgiveness is the gift that just keeps getting better.

Alleluia, what a Savior. Alleluia what a friend…

Jesus, thank You for the cross and the gift of forgiveness that comes with faith and belief in You and Your atoning gift on the cross. I am blown away by being totally forgiven and the incredible fellowship we have with You, the Father and the Spirit because we are forgiven and redeemed by You.

Bless You, Jesus, Father, Spirit. Praise You, one God –three in one. Alleluia Amen.


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