Monday, October 12: Revelation 17- Evil's destruction assured.

In this imagery rich chapter, one message comes through loud and clear. Evil and her minions will be destroyed and judged by the Lord. Sadly Ms. Evil will dupe many people on earth, all except those whose names are found in the Book of Life (8).

My heart rejoices that truth triumphs and evil is judged.

My heart cries that many people will be duped and miss out on the joy of Jesus because of Ms. Evil and her minions.

This mix of emotions has been with me for many days now as I read the book of Revelation.

Some of those duped are people I know. Have I done what I was supposed to do to tell them there is a way of salvation? Have I been the light I was designed to be?

I am not sure how to process all this. Guilt, joy, anticipation, sorrow, and tons of questions rattle around my heart and mind.

I land on one main thought. I trust the Lord. I trust God to use me and when I fail to use someone else. This is not an escape from personal responsibility; it comes from a deep sense that God’s Will will not be thwarted even by a sin-filled me.

How this all works out I do not know… and so I trust the One whose wisdom and way is much higher than mine (see Isaiah 55:8).

I surrender to You –Father, Jesus, Son. You are all I have that is trustworthy and You are all I need. I lay my life and the future of the world and all its inhabitants in Your loving and just hands. Amen.


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