We have all been there. We have all endured a time when people we once loved or trusted turn against us, when enemies rise up against us seemingly set on destroying us. We may not be a king sensing a coupe, but we could be a spouse feeling the other pull away or a child whose parent abandons us. It happens in school yards across the world where a one-time friend turns against us. It could be in the office where colleagues vie for the same promotion. The potential human dynamics leading to hurt seem endless.
During those times where can we turn?
We can always turn to the Lord, who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
We can complain to the Lord and bare our souls. He will never let us down.
David’s final words touched me. Verse 10, The righteous will rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him!
Yes, I can find refuge in Him… I know that even though I don’t always do that immediately.
It was the final clause that pierced me. All the upright… those words zapped me.
When I am attacked I can turn ugly, fighting back; a survival instinct kicks in, at least that is my excuse. But David sings that all the upright in heart will glory in him.
To be numbered as one of the upright, I have to maintain my cool in the darkest moments and continue to live as God would want me to live, which means even loving enemies (Matthew 5:44).
These words are a gentle reminder from the Lord that integrity and faithfulness, plus living the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:21-22), are to be my calling and character traits all the time, even and maybe especially, when I am under attack.
God is my refuge… not the strength of my right hand or fierceness of my words.
Thoughts to continue to ponder…
O, Lord, You are my strength, my victory, my consolation, my Helper in times of trouble. You are Who and What I can lean on in times of distress. Give me understanding to make these thoughts my way of living. This I pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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