Monday, October 5: Revelation 11- God's day has come.

God’s day has come. With this chapter, the reign of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of all God has promised has begun. Joy fills heaven and the inhabitants begin to sing.

“The kingdom of the world has become

the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah,

and he will reign for ever and ever.”


“We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,

the One who is and who was,

because you have taken your great power

and have begun to reign.

The nations were angry,

and your wrath has come.

The time has come for judging the dead,

and for rewarding your servants the prophets

and your people who revere your name,

both great and small—

and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” (15-18).

Praise to You, Lord, for what You have said would come to be is coming to be. Your saints are rejoicing because Your day has come. Their reward is coming and Your enemies are receiving their just rewards, too… Your judgment.

For some reason the phrase from verse 16 grips me. We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was… It is particularly the last words quoted: the One who is and who was. Up till now He has been the One Who is and was and is to come. But that is no longer the case. Jesus has come! There is no more waiting!!!

I found myself pondering what it will be like to meet Jesus face to face, to see Him in all His glory and to be visibly counted before all the inhabitants of the earth as one of His numbers.

I sat and I pondered… appreciation, love, and thankfulness all mingled together within me. Anticipation, too, welled up.

Any suffering, and all the questions, wonderings, doubts will disappear in an instant, replaced instantly by appreciation, love, and thankfulness ushering forth in praise and adoration with joy for my Savior and my God. What a day that will be…

Praise to the Lord, the almighty the King of Creation. O my soul praises Him for He is my Health and Salvation. In that great day all who surrendered to Him will pray, Praise to the Lord God Almighty who was and is and forever shall be. Amen.


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