Thursday, November 3: Romans 4- The wonder of Jesus' gift.

Paul concludes this chapter, He [Jesus] was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification (25).

What a gift God has given to humanity in Jesus. Faith in Jesus opens the gift and here is what we find… a two-dimensional gift.

First, we find forgiveness for our sins. Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins. Jesus paid the penalty that our sins earned us. It is as if I am sentenced to death row for some crime and Jesus steps up to the Judge and says that He will take my punishment for me. I go free and Jesus goes to death row and the cross in my place. I mean this is amazing, who does that for someone else? And yet that is what Jesus did… such love and sacrifice!

After receiving and opening this gift we learn there is a second dimension to it. In the above scenario I am still a convicted criminal. I was found guilty; it was just that someone else paid my penalty. Here is where Jesus’ gift goes from good to greatest ever, Paul continues and [he, Jesus] was raised to life for our justification.

Justification and the verb justified are legal terms from the ancient world. An easy way to catch the essence…justified is this word play; justified… ‘just as if I’d’ never sinned. Not only does Jesus take on our sin for us and nails it to the cross, He also bequeaths to us His righteousness and this is sealed at the resurrection.

Paul sums it up in his one sentence He [Jesus] was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.  What a gift! What an incredible gift!!!

Father God, I do not deserve to have any connection with You. I forfeited that when I sinned, and sinned and sinned. And yet for me, a sinner, You send Jesus. Thank You.

Jesus, you became a human to save me and people like me, people wallowing in sin unable to do anything about our own sin problem. Oh, Jesus, how can I truly say ‘thank You’ sufficiently or adequately?

Holy Spirit, You opened my heart to Jesus. Because of Your work in my life I opened my cell doors to Jesus and invited Him into my life. Thank You, God, the Holy Spirit.

I praise You Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. I praise You as the only great God. Alleluia. Amen.


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