Friday, September 8: Nehemiah 1- Disturbed by things that disturb God.


Knowing that the restoration of Jerusalem was underway, Nehemiah is shaken by reports from Jerusalem. He is so shaken he weeps much of the day when he hears the news and begins an immediate fast. Nehemiah acted as if there was a death in his family. They said to me, “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven (3-4).

I don’t believe I have ever been as broken as Nehemiah as this chapter opens. The thought that rattled me was wondering if I have ever been broken by something that breaks the heart of God? It is not the external reaction I am wondering about but the internal pain.

Nehemiah was broken by the state of affairs his brothers and the city of his God were in. Again I wondered, have I ever been broken by the condition of my fellow Christian somewhere in the world or by the condition of the church. I am not sure I have.

Now is this because it is not my calling to fix or attend to something like this or is it selfishness and hardness of my heart? Ouch!

A final questions emerges.  Am I passionate enough for God and the things of God that I would be broken by something that breaks the heart of God?

As I sit this morning I see a passion for God in Nehemiah, a regular guy with a secular job. Nehemiah’s example invites me to let go the safe in order to see if God is leading me into some surprising faith adventure. As friend of mine often says, “Stay tuned...”

Oh, Lord, my God, break my heart with the things that break Yours. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen


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