Since the book of Esther is a narrative telling the account of Esther’s rise to queen and the saving of God’s people through her, there are times stages where the story develops. This chapter is one of the stages. It chronicles the backstory of Haman, who is the villain of the story.
The events of this chapter happen concurrent with Esther’s early days as queen.
My devotional thoughts took a twist as I entertained the above thought. There are always concurrent stories unfolding that will intersect my life at times and in ways I cannot anticipate. God’s fingertip is in those stories. I don’t know how or why these things happen but I do know that God is in control and will work out His will.
Esther is in her queen’s residence oblivious to the evil plots of Haman unfolding in the king’s chambers. However, the Lord is not unaware of these plots. Nothing can be done in secret from Him. In fact Esther’s meteoric rise to queen is part of God’s plan to save His people from this vile plot.
All this is reminding me that God not only has my life in His hands, but He knows what happenings will intersect my life and how these things can work for His glory.
My responsibility is to walk humbly and faithfully with Him in all circumstances of life that arise. What do I need to do to be in the best place to walk faithfully with the Lord?
I need to stay close to the Lord… I need to abide and remain in Him [read John 15]. For me this means regular times in His Word, meditating and pondering the things of God as I am doing now. It means talking with the Lord as life unfolds. It means the regular rhythm of weekly worship, gathering with God’s people in praise and worship. It means finding and maintaining regular connections with other men of faith. My denomination asks every pastor to be part of a pastors covenant group. I am grateful for this directive. Additionally, I have other men I meet with regularly –some weekly- to check in and be real ‘in Christ.’
Beyond my abiding in the Lord, I find that I need to maintain a regular pattern of exercise, sleep and healthy eating habits. For me this is part of taking care of the earthen vessel God has given me. Also, life has taught me that I function best when my life is in balance.
Additionally, I need to maintain the important family relationships the Lord has given me. When the home has problems I have problems… J
As I sit I do not know who or what will intersect my life in the near future but the Lord knows. Staying close to Him and living a healthy physical and emotional life is critical for me to act wisely as new situations arise.
Looking back over my devotions for today… I didn’t see them coming as I began to read the story of the vile Haman. No matter where the Word leads me I am so grateful that the Lord is with me as I open His Word.
Lord, thank You for giving us Your Word. Continue to give me a love for Your Word and a deep desire to ingest it deeply every day. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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