The story of Nehemiah is the account of a leader performing a great work for God. Things will happen, opposition to the work of God will arise and leaders like Nehemiah must be willing to adjust to meet the present situation.
Nehemiah changed the work detail so that half worked and the other half stood guard. It slowed the project, but ensured safety. He established other safety protocols. His mind and ability to organize was constantly working.
The task was great and most of the people were not laborers, so as their energy flagged Nehemiah encouraged them. As he learned of plots against the project he planned, when taunts and ridicule came, he reminded them that the Lord was with them.
Nehemiah also worked alongside the people asking no more of them than he did himself.
As I consider Nehemiah I am encouraged. God puts the right people in the right spots to get His work done. People labored. Soldiers protected. Nehemiah led and prayed. The work progressed. It was difficult. Problems mounted but the Spirit of the Lord in His people prevailed.
So it is to this day… Problems mount but the Spirit of the Lord in His people prevails.
God has given us the great task of reaching the ends of the earth with the message of the Gospel. Making disciples of ALL peoples is the task of the Church. Yes, it means witnessing in our places and locations, BUT it also means going where the Gospel has never gone. Giving every people group an opportunity to hear about and respond to Jesus.
A church, the Church can never be satisfied sharing the Gospel and growing in its own community or region. We MUST have a global perspective, reaching out to the unreached so that every ethnic group hears the life-giving message of Jesus.
Wow, the Lord has taken me far from Nehemiah this morning as I sit with Him.
Lord, give me Your heart on this matter so that I orient my life around Your task and goal that disciples be made of ALL nations. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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