Monday, September 4: Ezra 7- Ezra, quite a man of faith.

Today we finally meet Ezra, the man for whom the book is named. He is quite a man, one worthy of emulation. In verse 10 we read, For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.

Ezra had devoted himself to:

Study of the Law… he knew God’s Word. Ezra gave his life to understanding God’s Word. More than just reading it, he learned its ins and outs. He mastered its content and understood it.

Observance of the Law… More than understanding it he lived it. Some people know the word of God intellectually, they have a PhD, if you will, in the Word, but it does not affect their lives. Not Ezra, he studied the Word to live the Word. He OBSERVED the law.

Teaching the Law… Ezra has yet another layer, he teaches the law. He shows men and women how to understand and live the law. He reproduces faith in others, faith that will grow and last.

Additionally, not indicated in this verse, he is a priest of the Law.  Ezra is from the bloodline that administers the law and the rituals of the law in the temple. He offers the sacrifices of the priest.

This is quite a resume and one I can seek to emulate. I can pour myself into learning and studying the law. Like Ezra I can take what I know and put it into practice living God’s Word faithfully. I can also help people along the journey of faith… teaching and showing them by example how to live faithfully to the Lord.

God is reminding me I can be a mini modern day Ezra within my own sphere of influence… What a calling!

Oh, Lord, send Your Spirit that I might abound as an Ezra-like person for Your honor and glory, I pray. Amen.


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