Monday, July 23: Proverbs 17- Sound advice.


Reading through the proverbs, I am often surprised by the proverbs that garner my attention. Today two caught me and drew me in. The first was verse 5. Whoever mocks the poor shows contempt for their Maker; whoever gloats over disaster will not go unpunished.

Social media rants and some ideological radio talk show hosts often speak despairingly about the poor. Many of the things said or written are ignorant of facts and seem to stem from internal bigotries. It bothers me so I usually jump past the post or switch the dial. People can be so vicious and condescending in their language toward others. I find it powerful that Proverbs names this for the wrong behavior that it is.  It even amps up its judgment, saying to mock the poor shows contempt for the Lord Himself. 

The proverb doubles down in its second half speaking to those who gloat over disasters. When disasters happen and lives are lost and ruined, it seems to me that we should weep for our fellow humans who are suffering. Every once in a while I hear people say things like, "they must deserve it." I am often flabbergasted that people say such things, especially when they are spoken in the wake of some natural disaster? Are we so heartless that we cannot feel pain for others in pain?

Problem is even as I think about these things; I know I have had heartless thoughts and words. I am not exonerated as I read this proverb. The Lord scolds me.

The second proverb of interest was verse 14: Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out. The imagery of this proverb is striking. I thought of an earthen dam, first a trickle breaks through, then the power of water begins to tear away the sediment and the trickle grows to a rivulet. The breach compounds until the dam gives way and disaster ensues. Quarrels can do that. They can divide families and friends, even nations. Proverbs says drop the matter before a dispute breaks out. Let it go. Be the bigger person and bury the issue before things escalate. Good advice.

Today God gave me some sound advice and a scolding…

Thank you, Lord. Time in Your Word always adds to my life and guides me toward maturity. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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