Thursday, August 9: Acts 1- Unsung Hereos.

With the death of Judas, the apostles seek to fill his position. Two names are put forward, Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias (23). Neither of these men are named before or after. Both are acknowledged as men who had been with those traveling with Jesus since his baptism (see 21-22).

First I began to wonder how many others had been with Jesus during all his ministry years. We know from the Gospels that some women were among the number who traveled with Jesus.

Next I began to think how Justus and Matthias are unsung heroes. Matthias gets a little credibility being chosen as the 12th apostle.  However, Justus gets nothing, a named footnote on the pages of the Bible.

Justus is truly an unsung hero. He followed Jesus, gaining nothing except the honor of being among the earliest Jesus followers.

My thoughts spun to wondering about the billions of unsung heroes who follow Jesus for the joy of following Jesus, for the delight of being called a child of God.

I am one of the billions of unsung Jesus followers and most likely so is everyone who reads this blog. I don't follow Jesus for fame or glory. I don't follow Jesus to get my name in print. I follow Jesus because the God of the universe loves me and sent His One and Only Son to die so that I, and all who believe, can be restored into relationship with the Living God. And that is enough for me.

Thank You, Father, for loving me and Your world. Thank You, Jesus, for dying for me and for Your world. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for imprinting the truth of the Father's love and Jesus' sacrifice upon my heart, mind and soul. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Oh my God. Halleluiah. Amen.


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