Tuesday, August 7: Proverbs 30- Money dangers and importance.


These sayings of Agur have a different feel than other proverbs, yet they too carry a 'punch.' It was the punch of verses 8b-9 that landed on me today. …give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.

What truth is found in the words, give me neither poverty nor riches. The author has keen insight into the workings of the average person. Why does he pray so? Because he knows his heart and our hearts. He gives two valid reasons for his prayer.

Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD? When people become self-sufficient it is easy to take our eyes off the Lord and His provision thinking we can provide for ourselves. I'm sure my own prayers have changed from the days of scrimping out to pay the bills and now when I have a bit more margin in my finances. There is a not so subtle faith-danger in having plenty of money.

But the opposite is also true as well, as the author reminds us. Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God. I have never been that destitute. I have never gone hungry. I don't know what I would do. The temptation to steal to eat or feed family must be fierce. The proverb reminds us that stealing, while humanly justifiable, still breaks God's laws and in a community like Israel, that is supposed to care for the poor, dishonors the name of my God. The dishonoring seems meant for the thief, but also in a small way reflects on the community that didn't care for the poor person.

Lastly, the entire proverb is built on the truth that our wealth is provided by the Lord. Obviously we are to work for it, many proverbs decry the sluggard, but God is ultimately the One who provides. This tempers life considerably; because it reminds me to be always thankful to the Lord for the money and resources I have received and responsibly use what the Lord has provided.

Lord, all the provision my family and I have is thanks to Your hand. Keep me mindful of stewarding well what You have provided. I pray this through Christ, my Lord. Amen.


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