Anxiety is a scourge of our age. Everywhere I turn I hear reports about how anxiety is rampant among this group or that group of people. In conversation so many people offer how anxious they are about politics and driving and this and that. News headlines sensationalize, fostering anxiety.
I guess the anxious climate of our times drew me to verse 25: Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.
Anxiety certainly does weigh down the heart. So what can I do to help people I meet who seem to be weighed down with anxiety? I can offer a kind word. It sounds so simple, but this is not always my natural response.
Listen to conversations and hear how people respond when someone shares an anxiety. Often they add to it, "Oh, yes, I heard…." Or they dismiss it making the person feel small, "Really you let that (fill in the blank) bother you?" Or they spiritualize it or push to solve it. Sadly, these do not encourage.
What does this proverb suggest? A kind word cheers it up. Stop and think about that for a moment. You meet someone and in conversation they share something about which they are anxious. What might be a kind word you could offer….
"My, I didn't know you were struggling, I have a moment if it would help to talk?"
"I can see this is difficult for you, is there something I can do to help?"
There are many ways you can speak a kind word, these are only two possibilities.
A kind word considers the other person. It sympathizes and cares. It builds up and does these things with permission.
Just imagine a world where people routinely share kind words with others. How much more pleasant it would be. Would all anxiety disappear? Certainly not. But it would be a kinder place to live.
Think about it…
Lord, show me how to respond kindly to others. Develop in me the fruit of kindness. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
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