Wednesday, November 1: Revelation 3- Ugh we are a sin-filled people..

Verse 11 caught my heart as I was reading. I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.

I don’t know when Jesus is returning and still these words seemed to speak to my heart, particularly the word to Hold on to what you have… I take that to mean, hold on to the faith in Jesus that you have.

The world seems to be changing at an accelerating pace. The ‘rich poor divide’ is widening. General views regarding faith of any kind, Christianity in particular, are fading as people become more post-Christian and post-spiritual. Tensions between East and West are growing. Politics is growing more mean spirited, racial and nationalistic tensions are also growing. I could go on.

Maybe the civility of the past hid many of these same divides, certainly people were no better, but things seem to be rougher and more caustic these days.

Jesus’ call to hold on to the faith seems timely. Hold on to the whole of the faith. Maintaining Jesus’ values seems more counter cultural today. And sadly some people use the faith to further some of the divides… Ugh, we are a sin-filled people!

Oh, God, help the church be the church! Help me be a faithful Christ-follower in my changing world. Lord God, pour out again Your Holy Spirit so that I and we Your people can rise above the tides of meanness and live counter culturally for YOU. Lord, show me what that means for the remaining years I have this side of eternity.

How shall I use my wealth, my time, my influence to strengthen Your people and Your reign here in my world. I pray this in Jesus’ name and for the advancement of the Gospel. Amen and amen.


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