Thursday, January 17: Amos 1- I wonder.

The book of Amos has burrowed its way into my heart over the years. His lyrical approach, for three sins of xxx, even for four... setting up his condemnation of a particular country. His methodical approach speaking hard words to all of Israel’s neighbors. I am gripped every time I read this book.

As I began to read today, the opening beckoned me. I found myself considering the man, Amos, rather than any of his particular words to Israel’s neighbors

The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa—the vision he saw concerning Israel two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel (1).

Who is Amos? A shepherd. And seemingly not even a shepherd of particular renown. He is one of the shepherds of Tekoa. He is a working class man, indistinguishable from the working class men around him. To this everyday ‘Joe’ God sends a vision, a vision he understands he must speak and record for the people.

I wondered what prepared him for this task, if anything. I wondered how a Mr. Nobody summoned the courage to speak this word in a forum that caused it to be recorded and kept for posterity. I wondered if God chose me, another Mr. Nobody, to speak a word on His behalf to the nations if I would have the courage to do it.

I wondered...

Lord, am I faithful to the calling You have set before me? Lord, am I strong enough in You to be an Amos? I pray, Lord, for all the strength I need to be the ambassador and servant You need me to be. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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