Wednesday, January 16: Joel 3- Remain faithful in good times and bad.

Ok, honestly vengeance is not the most inspiring topic on which to mediate. Still somehow the final words of this book arrested my attention. Verse 21: Shall I leave their innocent blood unavenged? No, I will not.” The LORD dwells in Zion!

That question and answer posed by the Lord is chilling when you let it sit in your thoughts for a while. Shall I leave their innocent blood unavenged? No, I will not.

The word is spoken about God’s Old Testament people, so it is probably fair to expand it to include all of God’s family now that the New Testament has come.

Shall I leave [my children’s] innocent blood unavenged? No, I will not.

Two thoughts spring from this thought.

One, some of God’s children will suffer at the hands of others. Innocent blood will be spilt. Throughout the New Testament we see that God’s people face persecution, trial and pain. This will happen to some of God’s people. Theologies of ‘all is well for the follower of Jesus’ are just false. Innocent blood will be spilt.

God will avenge His children’s pain. In His day He will judge those who are against Him and His people. I don’t know when this day will come, but it will. God has spoken this over and over again.

So what does this say to me today, here in 2019? First, I don’t know what will come my way, but God will see that justice is executed. The Righteous Judge will hold court on a day of His choosing. Until then, I need to remain faithful. In good times and in bad I need to remain faithful!

Lord, I pray for strength to remain faithful... faithful to you in thought, word and deed. Faithful to you in service and giving and living. Faithful in witness and in the quiet moments of my life. I pray this in the name of Jesus who was ever faithful. Amen and amen.



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