Friday, August 27: 2Kings 5- Choices.

Gehazi is a tragic figure.  For two talents of silver and two sets of clothes, he lost his health and a potential calling.

Gehazi was Elisha’s servant, which sounds like the lowly position it is. Serving someone is often tedious. “Gehazi run my staff and put it on the boy (chapter 4). Gehazi prepare dinner, Gehazi do this, Gehazi do that.” But consider the prophet’s servant’s life from another angle. Gehazi saw the boy raised from the dead. Gehazi heard the instructions and witnessed the widow’s oil multiplying; saw the 100 men fed on one man’s offering; and tasted the poison-soup turned delicious and healthy. Gehazi stood there as Elisha spoke to Naaman and was present when Naanam returned healed. The wonders he saw.  One can only guess at the conversations he had with Elisha about the Lord and hearing from the Lord. Yet, inside Gehazi lurked a desire for wealth and the finer things of life.

What would a poor widow have?  Nothing besides the oil in her jars. What would 100 prophets who didn’t even have enough food to eat have? Nothing. What would an aged Shunammite woman and a young son have?  Little if anything. Yet, the desire lurked in Gehaza and when a wealthy military general came seeking healing, Gehazi saw his opportunity. What Gehazi took from Naaman was pocket change for Naaman, however, what his deceitful actions told Elisha and the Lord brought ruin to his life.  Gehazi is now leprous for life And there is even a possibility that he obliterated a potential calling. Remember Elisha was Elijah’s servant, just as Gehazi was Elisha’s...

Some say everyone has a price. Gehazi ‘sold his soul’ for two silver coins and two sets of fine clothing.

Whispers the Holy Spirit, “What about you? Do you have a price?”

O, Lord, I hope, I pray, that my fidelity is greater than any temptation, but I dare not grow cocky or prideful. Lord, please lead me not into temptation and deliver me from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.


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