Monday, August 30: 2Kings 7- A godly conscience.

I never cease to be amazed how God works in bringing about His word, causing an army to flee leaving Israel with more plunder and food than they can imagine! What a creative miracle.

Yet, it was a lone comment that one leper made to another that sparked my God-thoughts today. Verse 9: Then they said to each other, "We're not doing right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves. If we wait until daylight, punishment will overtake us. Let's go at once and report this to the royal palace."

I am in the middle of doing something when a spark flashes in my mind, synapses begin to fire, and I think, “What I am doing is not right.” Conscience.

Do we listen, especially when our conscience warns us that what we are doing is not right or do we disregard and push on disobeying that ‘word from within’?

Those lepers listened and became the heralds of great news. God miraculously triumphed, the city was saved. What they discovered was news to be shared not a prize to be horded!

My conscience isn’t perfect. In some areas it is a good indicator that I am moving beyond the bounds of God’s law.  In other areas I have disregarded my conscience so often that it doesn’t always advise me accurately. And yet in my life my conscience has often steered me correctly, when I have listened. And for me, it is often my conscience that calls me to confess or repent of something…

When your conscience speaks, do you listen?  That’s what I am hearing from the Lord this morning. God is reminding me that conscience, though not perfect and needing to constantly be trained and submitted to the word of God, is a good thing…

·         Do I follow its lead?

·         Am I training it according to the word of God?

Good questions and worthy of consideration as I move through this day.

Lord, thank You for the example of these lepers who changed course and did what was right in Your eyes because their consciences spoke up and they obeyed. May I be as faithful to Your correction as they were. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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