Writing the title for this devotional, I could hear Al Michaels calling out those words as the
That line fits today’s chapter. “Do you believe in miracles?”
At some point every Bible reader has to decide his or her answer to that question. The Bible is full of miraculous accounts –honest to goodness miracles. Events that are more than improbable; they are beyond natural… they are miraculous.
Question is, “Do you believe in miracles?” Or do you dismiss miraculous accounts as fables, fiction or ancient superstitious people who didn’t understand and assumed some miraculous conclusion that a modern person would know has some ‘natural’ explanation?
Do you believe in the miracles reported in the Bible or not?
If you don’t, then you had problems with today’s chapter and you are working to choose your reason for discounting the four miraculous accounts in this chapter.
I doubt there is anything I can write that will convince you. For most of us, our worldview is at stake. What I will do is share my belief on the matter.
Yes, I believe in miracles. I believe the four miracles presented in this chapter and I believe the other miracles presented throughout the Old and New Testaments. Some likely consider me naïve. Some may even think me foolish. So be it. I believe that God is capable whenever He wills to suspend, disregard or override natural law which He instituted, by the way, to bring some event about that otherwise would be impossible (not merely improbable).
I believe the widow’s oil multiplied until all the jars she gathered were full and then it stopped.
I believe the woman’s son died and Elisha, empowered by God, brought the dead boy back to life.
I believe, by a miracle of God, Elisha turned a pot of poisonous stew into a fine meal by adding ordinary flour.
I believe 100 men were fed by 20 barley loaves and some roasted grain with extra left over. Lest you not think of this as miraculous, remember one person carried the thank offering. Could you carry enough food for 100 people???
For me miracles are part and parcel of biblical faith. God becoming man (Jesus’ birth) and the resurrection of Jesus are central to the Christian faith and they are miracles! In fact, I think it is fair to say that without the miraculous, there is no Christian faith. That, at least, is what I believe.
Do you believe in miracles?
O, Lord, I believe miracles not only happened back in Bible days but continue to happen today as Your Spirit works in our world and as You bend an ear to Your people and here our cries for help. Amen.
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