Thursday, August 12: 1Kings 14-Glories gone in a twinkling of an eye.

As I read the disastrous reigns of Jeroboam in the north and Rehoboam in Jerusalem, I realized how quickly a mighty empire can fall. It took less than 17 years for the wonderful and God-blessed empire of Solomon to be dismantled. Within that time, the kingdom divided and both portions deteriorated. Judah became so weak that Egypt, the former ally, attacked and took as ransom, the gold articles from the temple. The former nation withered to a mere shell of itself…in less than 2 decades and probably less than one.

How could this be… inept leadership? Yes.

Was it a costly civil war and continued fighting between the two? Yes. again.

But at its root, the cause was faithlessness to the Lord. God had promised providential care, protection and provision, if Israel remained faithful. When Solomon, lured by his many pagan wives, began to live a divided life, seeking after other gods, Israel’s demise was initiated, a judgment for her sins…

How easy it is to slip into sin and bear the consequences as a result.

This word is a stark reminder to me to remain vigilant. David was anything but perfect but he remained faithful to the Lord. I am reminded of the devotional from August 6 and God’s offer to Solomon, walk before me in integrity of heart and uprightness, as David your father did.

Integrity of heart and uprightness, that is the legacy of David’s life. That’s the legacy I want to cultivate. That’s the life I pray I can live all the days of my life. Solomon lived well for a while but turned away from the Lord toward the end of his life. Rehoboam never lived faithfully. I want to be a David.

How quickly the glories of God can fade when we become unfaithful…

Lord God, I want to be a David… faithful till the end. Lord, I know I am far from perfect. I need Your forgiveness and mercy regularly. Despite my sins, I pray, Lord, for Your strength and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I want to live before You in integrity of heart and uprightness, as David, your servant, did. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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