Ahab may be the worst king in
Here again he chooses expedience over fidelity to God and nation. After the Lord prophecies and then gives him a great victory over his enemy to the north, Ahab, instead of finishing the job, lets the king go, settling for a pittance commerce treaty when he had been given the position of strength. It was easier to accept the bribe than finish the job.
A weak leader and man of no faith, Ahab is the anti-hero; an example of what NOT to be or do.
“Don’t be like him,” God nudges “Follow Me, live for Me and accept My direction and leading,” whispers the Spirit. “And finish what I give you to do. Don’t stop when you have an ‘easy out.’ Finish what I have you do.”
Well, Ahab is no person to emulate but I can certainly learn from his life how not to live!
Lord, help me to emulate the likes of David and Daniel, Peter and Paul; men willing to go and do whatever You ask and direct. They are men after your own heart. Lord, help me by the gift and presence of the Holy Spirit, to be a man after Your heart, too. In Jesus name and for Your glory. Amen.
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