Wednesday, August 11: 1Kings 13- Follow God's voice to the letter

In this chapter of judgment against Jeroboam, for the things we discussed yesterday, we meet a young prophet of God who is specifically directed by the Lord to speak the word of judgment against Jeroboam. The prophet executes his mission flawlessly on his way home until an older prophet stops him, saying, "I too am a prophet, as you are. And an angel said to me by the word of the LORD: 'Bring him back with you to your house so that he may eat bread and drink water'" (18). The Lord had specifically forbidden the young prophet to eat with anyone in the region. Sadly, the young prophet listens to the old prophet, returns and eats.  God judges him when he leaves and he is killed by a lion. The text inserts a parenthetical remark to make sure we, the readers, know what the old prophet told the young one was a lie.

This story speaks volumes to me. As one who lives believing that God still speaks to us today, I hear huge warnings in this text. A few warnings that fire synapses in my brain are:

·         When God speaks we must follow His directives and not be enticed away from what He has clearly spoken to us.

·         We cannot blindly trust someone, who may even have a proven record of hearing from God, but must test everything anyone says is “from the Lord.” And the principle test ... Is it in accord with the revealed will of God expressed in the God-inspired words of Scripture?

·         Paul’s words to the Galatians 1:8-9 comes to mind here: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!

The whisper of the Spirit to me this morning reminds me, “Yes, I still speak”, says the Lord through scripture and the Spirit. Handle what I say with full faith, change nothing from My revealed Word, and test everything people say is from me lest you, like this young prophet, be lead astray.”

O, God, give me a discerning heart, mind, and soul so that I might hear Your word and leadings correctly. And, Lord, when you do nudge and speak, give me faith to follow You obediently. Amen.



Discerning the Voice of God

I am part of a renewal ministry that teaches four checks to test the validity of words that are purportedly from God. I invite you to use these test against things you might here me say, whether in devotion or sermon:

1.      Does it give glory to Jesus Christ in the present and in the future?

2.      Is it consistent with the intentions and character of God as revealed in scripture?

3.      Do other mature believers have a confirming witness?

4.      Is there confirmation in objectively verifiable events or facts?



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