Every great work will endure times of discouragement and face the opposition of those who seek to undermine it. Prevailing in great works takes fortitude.
The repatriated Jews of this chapter are experiencing a dark and dismaying time. Will they cave or will they fight through and stay the course to which they believe God has led them? We will discover this in the chapters to come…
For today we are left to contemplate discouragement and opposition. They happen. Mark it down and make note. If you feel called by the Lord to some task these times will come. Just because God is leading you does not mean all will be smooth sailing. Verses 4:4-5 are revealing: Then the peoples around them set out to discourage the people of
Wilberforce, one of my history heroes, could have caved hundreds of times. For two decades he fought to eliminate the slave trade. Foes battled, schemed, plotted and more than once, apparently won. But Wilberforce refuse to quit. Peoples … set out to discourage him and those with him. The opposition sought counselors to work against the abolition of the slave trade. Wilberforce and his allies stayed the course. Although too sick to remain in Parliament, Wilberforce learned of the passage of the bill he fought so long to pass, abolishing slavery only 3 days before he closed his eyes in eternal sleep.
The call of God generally requires fortitude to navigate through turbulent waters of discouragement and opposition. Whether fighting an injustice or simply walking a life of faith in Jesus, dark times will come. The enemy will try to thwart and discourage you but knowing this in advance can help. Knowing God is with you and will never leave nor forsake you helps, too. Hang in there, trust the Lord, and remain in the Word. Remember yesterday’s reading was about starting strong by building on the foundation of God’s written word…
Lord, when discouragement comes and following Your call grows wearisome, please refresh and strengthen me by Your Holy Spirit. To do Your bidding, to live Your way, I need Your strength. Please send it, Jesus, please send it. Amen.
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