Thursday, October 21: Nehemiah 9- Seeing ourselves for who we truly are.

According to the date in the opening verse, Israel has been listening to the Word, read and explained, for three and-a-half weeks. They have celebrated the feast of Booths according to the direction of the Word and, apparently, the Word has exposed their sin and cut them to the heart. They stand this day, the 24th day of the seventh month, fasting and wearing sackcloth and having dust on their heads. … They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the wickedness of their father. (1-2).

As I sit this morning, I marvel at and am encouraged by their honesty before God and with themselves. The community stood together admitting their sin and the sins of their fathers.

These people invited the Word of God deep into their souls… and were willing to change and grow.

O, Lord, that I would be so brave, that I would be so bold, that I would be so honest before You.

O, Lord, I invite Your word, as I read and study and ponder it, into those deep places in my life… Renew me!... Change me!... Convict me!... Strengthen me!… through Your word. Amen.


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