Saturday, October 16: Nehemiah 5- In it for the long haul.

Verse 14 seems to be a comment looking back over Nehemiah’s entire 12-year ministry in Jerusalem…not that they have been at it already 12 years.  Twelve years, verse 14 says,  that Nehemiah was governor for 12 years, and for those 12 years he and the people of Jerusalem kept at the task of rebuilding the walls and rebuilding faithful life in Jerusalem… 12 years.

Nehemiah was in it for the long haul. I have no idea how long Nehemiah originally thought it would take to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, but once he started, what he believed was a mission from the Lord, he kept at it until he completed the task.

It is much easier to start an endeavor than to finish it, and finish it successfully. Nehemiah never gave up. External pressure (previous chapters), he pushed through. Problems within the camp (today’s chapter), he analyzed the issue and wasn’t afraid to do what was just and right.

No matter the situation, Nehemiah sought to follow the teaching of God’s Word and what pleased the Lord… and he kept at it, year after year, problem after problem for 12 years. Nehemiah was in it for the long haul.

I started thinking about those things I believe God wanted me to do… build my family, love my wife, pastor PCOG. How about you, what do you believe the Lord is asking you to do?

I’m in it for the long haul, how about you?

Lord, give me stamina to keep on… give me wisdom to know what to do when issues and problems arise, give me friends and leaders and associates and companions in doing Your business all the days of my life… This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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