Tuesday, October 26: Nehemiah 13- Accountability

How sad!  Only two days ago I read about the wonderful spiritual reforms in Israel. Now today I read about all Nehemiah needed to do to reestablish godly order in Jerusalem after a few years away. The word ‘accountability’ kept popping into my mind. It was as if I was watching a baseball game on TV and the word ‘accountability’ kept scrolling along the update banner on the bottom of the TV screen. Accountability… Accountability… Accountability… over and over again.

Left without accountability, Israel went berserk. Many of the reforms that Nehemiah instituted during his governorship needed to be instituted again.

What gives? Don’t these people get it? Can’t they remain faithful? These and similar thoughts fired around my mind. And even as they were reverberating in my thoughts, the Holy Spirit’s whisper began, “Don’t be to smug, Bill. Don’t be too quick to point a finger. Don’t grow holier-than-thou. The human heart hasn’t changed since then. You are just as able to turn from Me as they were. Sin and your sin-marred self must be held in check and accountability with others can be a great help…”

And so the Spirit spoke, not audibly but clearly, to my heart and mind… 

Lord, I am prone to thinking I am better than I really am… thank You for this reality check. Thank You for the reminder about the benefits of honest accountability with others as I walk this life of faith. Amen.


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