Monday, August 22: Proverbs 29-


Whose approval am I seeking? Whose voice drives my actions? Whom do I work to please? These are the questions I began pondering after I finished my reading.

Parents, family, employer, friends… probably the most common answers, maybe not in that order. No matter how I slice it my answer is usually someone I know, someone whose voice I know and whose face is familiar to me.

The question the text raised was, “Where is God in the equation? How regularly do I seek God’s approval and live to please Him?”  I know I could do more.

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the LORD that man gets justice (25-26).

Lord, You are the One who keeps me safe. You are the One who orchestrates events. You are the great One and the greatest One. Too often I work to gain the approval of other people.  When that aligns with Your way, great! However, Lord, when Your way is not the same as the voices trying to influence me, let me hear Your voice clearly and follow the way Your voice points. In Jesus, my Savior’s name, I ask this. Amen.


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