Thursday, August 11: Proverbs 20- God knows

I watched the movie ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ the other day. It is a fascinating and good movie in my estimation. The movie takes place in the fictional Shawshank Maximum Security Prison. One of the interesting comments made a few times throughout the movie is that all prisoners “believe they are innocent.” The undertone is that they all know they are guilty but say they are innocent. It is one of those ironies that reminds the viewer how easy it is for most (all) of us to remember the past in ways that are favorable to our situation. Rationalization is a pervasive human trait…

Verses 9 & 12 remind me that God knows the truth. God hears what is said and sees what is done… Who can say, says the proverb author, "I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin"? … Ears that hear and eyes that see-- the LORD has made them both. God knows the unbiased truth about my life, your life, everyone’s life.

These thoughts lead me to some moments of reflection and confession.  How about you?

Lord, my heart is not pure. I am stained by my own sin.  Jesus, thank You for forgiving me.  Thank You for standing in my place and taking my guilt and punishment. I live because of Your grac,e Jesus. Thank You. Amen.


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