28:1. The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion was an interesting Proverb.
I enjoy watching crime shows. I especially like following the investigators as they use forensics to track and profile the criminals. It doesn’t hurt that they always seem to catch the bad guy, too! (If I am going to enjoy fantasy, the bad guy should lose J.) One of the often shown traits of the bad guy is that they are usually looking over their shoulder and are covering their tracks.
Guilty people do those things. What happens when you are speeding along a highway and a siren blares behind you or you zip past a police car concealed on the shoulder? Your heart rate immediately increases, foot pulls off the accelerator and you check and recheck the rearview mirror. I’m guilty and I wonder if I just got caught.
That seems to be the impulse of this Proverb. The wicked man flees though no one pursues… Why? Because they are guilty and they think they saw something. On the run again…
Whereas the righteous are as bold as a lion. She/he has no fear, no concern that something in the past will rise up to bite them, so they carry a confidence, a relaxed gait as they walk about.
A clean conscience matched by a clean record can do that for a person.
Nearing the end of the Book of Proverbs, I realize that this is the hope and goal Solomon has for his children. That righteous living will groom them to be good people and good leaders.
God hopes the same for us, which is why He put Proverbs in His Word. How are you doing?
Lord, thank You for Your Word. Practical sections like Proverbs; theological and deep sections like Romans; and grace filled, yet deeply challenging, sections like the Gospels. Thank You, God, for caring enough to put Your thoughts and Your ways in writing. Give me wisdom to do more than simply read Your Word but to live Your Word. This I pray for Your glory and in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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