It was verse 30 that arrested my attention as I read. A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. I think it was the word picture of giving life to the body that grabbed me. Something about that image that draws me in. Maybe it is that life is too often filled with strife and hurriedness and pressure…
A heart at peace gives life to the body… Everything in me says, ‘yes this is true’. When my heart is at peace, life flows into my body. Yes, I understand but how do I get there? What do I do to achieve this?
As my last keystrokes were being pressed, I wondered if I was asking the wrong question. After all the very nature of my question displays striving and doesn’t striving undermine peace? I’m not sure!!
I do know that the Proverb continues, but envy rots the bones.
Most Proverbs are ‘doublets’. The second part of the proverb may enhance the first or may display the opposite of the first. Knowing they are connected, I listen again, but envy rots the bones. Envy is dreaming of what a friend or associate or neighbor has. Envy is a kissing-cousin of jealousy. And my, I can feel my BP rising just thinking about envy and jealousy; they steal rest from the soul and body.
Apparently one thing I can do to set my heart at peace is to control my envy and jealousy. Or to put it positively, I grow in contentment with what I have -what God has given me- the more peace will flourish in my heart.
Lord, help me with contentment. Help me grow in trust of You. Help me to lay aside striving to keep up with the ‘Jones’ and to appreciate all the gifts You have supplied. I pray this in and through Jesus, my Lord. Amen.
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