Tuesday, August 9: Proverbs 18- Practical Wisdom & a Proverb to Memorize


Since I began reading through Proverbs this summer I have been waiting to come across verse 17. I think in the last three weeks I have quoted (more like paraphrased) this Proverb in conversations with others. By paraphrased, I mean, I didn’t remember the Proverb verbatim but did get the essence of the proverb straight.

There are a few Proverbs that stand out in my life, ones that have helped me avoid pitfalls. Verse 17 is one of those. Thanks to this Word from God, I have trained myself to withhold conclusions until I hear both sides of a matter (don’t get the impression I bat 1000 in this area of my life, but my average is pretty good). 

This morning in God’s Word was particularly blessed because of the juxtaposition of verse 13. For me these two Proverbs together weave a stronger cord than 17 alone. Here they are. I invite you to put them in your everyday life quiver. They will be useful, I guarantee it.

Verse 13: He who answers before listening-- that is his folly and his shame.

Verse 17 The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.

Time for me to do some memory work…

Lord, thank You for the practicality of Your Word and particularly these two Proverbs. Please, Lord, help me to plant them even deeper into my life and living. You are the best God and I praise and thank You for opening my eyes to whom You are and for the grace You have given that I might believe in You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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