Yesterday God spoke to me about priorities and prioritizing worship and devotion of the Lord as foundational to all of life.
Today God built on that theme, reminding me that all kinds of opposition will arise trying to distract me (and you) from our devotion and service to our God.
First the Israelites opponents tried trickery in order to water down the efforts of rebuilding the temple. Sometimes my most difficult opposition comes from within. Warring factions of my life saying, ‘Do this, no do this, no do this’… each trying to keep my eyes and efforts off the prize of being with my God.
Then they tried discouragement. It is easy to look at the Bible and think; I will never read all of this! And so many of the stories, especially in the OT, I mean how do they apply to my life today? And so on, discouragement grows and many give in and stop attending to the Word of God, the entire Word of God.
Finally out right opposition. Phone calls, distractions, early mornings, late evenings… our lifestyle can get in the way of offering the Lord quality time each day to be with Him.
Any of these and many other difficulties will surface, working to keep us from the priority of personal devotion, worship, prayer and service… don’t let it. Stand against it and keep to your priority of making your relationship with the Lord #1 in your life.
This is what the Lord spoke to me about this morning…
Think about it.
Ok, Lord, I am in. I know it will be a struggle, but I commit my heart and mind and will and soul to following You, and You alone. Please come to my aid when I am weak. And don’t allow me to get to heady when I am encountering an easier time with less opposition. And Lord, keep reminding me so that I stay the course all my life until I am with You in glory! Halleluiah. Amen.
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