The author goes to great lengths to show Ezra’s lineage as a member of the priestly by naming his ancestors all the way back to Aaron. Ezra was blessed with his bloodline, a gift to him from birth, which he did not earn in any way.
I began thinking. We all have certain gifts from God, given at birth. It might be ancestry or intelligence or specific talents or certain personality traits, you name it. Question is… what will we do with the gifts God gave us?
Ezra made the most of his ancestry. Ezra knew what being a priest meant so he devoted himself to the Word. Verse 10 tells us, For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in
I flipped back to thoughts about gifts given by God at birth. Am I developing (are you) and devoting myself to using them for God’s glory? Have I honed them with the devotion of Ezra, who honed his ability to teach the Word?
This summer I went on a mission trip with others. I watched a corporate CEO, a therapist, a computer specialist and a mechanic/jack of all trades use the gifts they had been given for the glory of God in ways unique to their gifting’s. Gifting each had honed over a lifetime…
Two final thoughts for me (and readers):
1) Are you devoting yourself to honing and developing the gifts God has given you?
2) Are you using them for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom?
Think about it.
Lord, You have given all of us talents. We can bury them in the sand or put them to work earning kingdom fruit. Help us to do the latter so that at the end of things we will hear You speak, “Well done good and faithful servant….” Amen.
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