Tuesday, September 30: Esther 6- God at work.

You can either believe the timing in this story is a coincidence or it is a God-incidence. There is really no way to convince a person about this one way or the other. It comes down to your beliefs.

I believe this story is filled with God-incidents. I believe the Lord is orchestrating things to work out to His end, which is to save His people. And I love the way God works quietly. God works and we give Him the praise.

Rather than leave this morning’s time with the Lord in the ancient world, I pushed the channel button in my mind and began thinking about my life and the many God-incidents in my life.

·         Meeting and connecting and eventually marrying my wife.

·         The amazing way God opened the doors to my work in Nigeria.

·         My life transition from engineering to pastoral ministry.

·         My coming to faith… all of the God-incidents along the path to belief.

On and on my mind floated from one God-incident in my life to another. I am thankful for each one. They have changed my life and my focus.

God is at work and it is good to pause and recognize His work.

I am so thankful I worship and serve the God of the universe, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit revealed in the Bible the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments!

I pray you know the Lord, too. If you have questions about God drop me a comment or email…

Lord, as I walk today, please open my eyes to Your workings in the world. Help me to see and hear even a few of the ways You are active in the circle of life I will move in today. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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