Monday, September 29: Esther 5- There comes a time to step out in faith.

I love the way this chapter opens. On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance (1).

Esther steps out in faith. She has fasted and prayed. She had friends fast and pray. And when the 3-day fast was over she went to the king…

Sometimes people are debilitated from stepping out in faith. Esther knew she had to pray and because of the gravity of the situation she knew she needed more that a brief prayer. But having set and completed her time of prayer and fasting, she acted.

Esther had wisdom to pray and the faith to act!

God needs us to have both in order to advance His kingdom.

I heard the whisper of God asking me (and likely you as well), “Do you have both wisdom and faith? Wisdom to know you need Me and faith to step out once you have sought Me?”

My observation is that most of us usually struggle with one side of this coin more than the other. A-type decisive people are often good at acting, but sometimes lack the wisdom to seek the Lord first in prayer and listening for His voice. Intercessor types can pray and pray but sometime seem to lack the faith to launch.

For the rest of your time with the Lord today, talk with Him about your tendencies and ask Him to strengthen your weakest characteristic…

Lord Jesus, Father and Spirit, help me to grow in prayer… in intentional listening and discernment so that my decisiveness will lead to kingdom expansion and growth. For Your honor and glory I live. Amen.



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