Monday, November 10: Ecclesiastes 2- Where is value in life?.

As I read through this chapter the question kept creeping into my thoughts. Where is the value in life? What brings peace or deep satisfaction of a life well lived?

Again, where is the value in life?

Solomon didn’t find it in pleasures, in indulging his appetites, in great projects or amassing wealth…

I was back to thinking… what brings true and lasting value and in life?

It seems that an answer began to emerge as the chapter closes. [F]or without him [God], who can eat or find enjoyment? To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God... (25-26).

I don’t think Solomon is there yet, but this twist pushed my meditations toward an answer for my question. What brings true and lasting value and in life? Life in, with and for the Lord.

I was reminded of the catechisms opening question. What is the chief end of man?

To love God and enjoy Him forever is the answer.

Yes, I thought, this is where one finds value and deep satisfaction in life. We find it; I find it in God… in my relationship with God… in my service and love of God.

This is where I find value. How about you?

Lord, thank You for opening my eyes to You and the wonder of living in connection and relationship with You through faith in Jesus. Thank You, God, for placing Your Spirit in me to guide me toward You. Thank You, Lord, for the deep sense of satisfaction that I find in walking with You.

Lord, I pray that even if the ‘satisfaction’ leaves, that I would serve and follow You regardless of how I feel because You alone are Lord and You alone are God. And that Lord is enough to call forth service and devotion from me. Through Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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