Repeated 3 times,
“ ‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth!
In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’
(10, 16-17, 19)
The middle line changed with each repeat, but the song was the same. Woe to
The kings, merchants and seafarers sing this song as terror grips them and they mourn the loss of their ‘golden egg”, the source of this success. It seems, too, they are gripped by their inevitable destruction and torment because they lived luxuriously in the coat tails of
Fear, terror but no hint of remorse. They were drunk with the success they had…
This is a very sad picture. It is the crime boss or cartel lord or despotic ruler watching the trial of another, knowing his/her day is coming, all the while singing “I did it my way.” Completely blinded to the truth of God.
So, so very sad is this picture.
And yet, at the same time, the saints of God rejoice.
“Rejoice over her, you heavens!
Rejoice, you people of God!
Rejoice, apostles and prophets!
For God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you.”
Judgment day for God’s enemies will be vindication day for God’s saints. The contrast of that day is seen in the contrast of two words: woe and rejoice.
Lord, the difference between these two responses in faith in You. Your spirit in the saints and their protection from Your wrath allow them to REJOICE. Halleluiah! I bow in wonder and awe that You saved me and allow me to be in the company of saints who rejoice at Your wonder and fall in awe and love at Your feet.
Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Maranatha! Amen.
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