In this chapter God gives John some understanding of who the beast and other players are. What God shows John might be a bit cryptic for us in the 21st century but certainly understandable to John in his day.
What caught my eye and heart was in verse 8, I bolded the part that got me meditating. The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.
How God watches over His people… those whose name is NOT written in the book of life will be astonished by the beast and his counterfeit miracles.
I don’t know when all of this will play out. I don’t know if I will be alive when it happens or if I will already be with the Lord. But sometimes I wonder, will I discern the times? Will I catch God’s signs? Will I be duped by the evil one? The bolded lines above from God’s Word remind me that God will guide me through those times if I am to live through them. As His son, He will watch over me. It is not my wisdom or cleverness that will protect me. It is the mighty hand of God. And God will give me everything I need for that day, should I be alive to go through it.
In turn this bolstered my heart for today. If God will watch over me then, He will do so today. He has given me everything I need in Him to live effectively and powerfully for Him today!
The whisper of God came to me, “Go, Bill, live boldly for Me today.”
Lord, show me how I may serve You and serve You best today. Lead me and guide me today and all of my todays for Your sake. Halleluiah Amen.
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