Song of Songs perplexes most believers. Dennis F. Kinlaw writing in the Expositor's Bible Commentary notes, Song of Songs is patently a collection of ancient Hebrew love poems celebrating the experiences of a lover and his beloved as they taste the beauty, power, agony, and joys of human sexual love. What do we do with a book like that in the Scriptures?
Let’s see as we take this devotional reading of Song of Songs.
With the first words of this book we understand why many are perplexed. This chapter is a lover’s dialogue, with the words of some friends tossed in as well. This chapter is two lovers expressing their love and attraction to one another.
Love rightly ordered is good. Love, emotion, and beauty expressed to one’s beloved is a beautiful thing.
Biblical believers are oft-time thought of as prudes. If prude means we have a different sexual ethic than the world, i.e. sexual love is to be shared between a man and woman in marriage, then I accept the moniker of prude. However, being a ‘prude’ does not mean that within the marital covenant relationship a couple does not passionately and affectionately express their love for one another.
In this vein, Song of Solomon is refreshing, reminding God-honoring couples that passion and expressing one’s passion for one’s spouse is a good thing… a very good thing!
Readers who are married… express your love today to your mate.
Readers who are not yet married… there is joy ahead if you walk in God’s Will.
Think about it…
Lord, thank You for my wife of many years, a gift from You and a partner in You. Thank You for my wife. Amen.
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