Through the first 15 Psalms, so much of David’s life was filled with heartache, pain and concern from enemies. Today’s Psalm reminds me that life is a mix of good days and hard times. Today’s Psalm sings of a time when life is good.
What touched me deeply was that in this good time David leans heavily into the Lord and confirms that the Lord God alone is his God whom he will worship and serve all his days. Some of the lines that jumped off the page at me:
Verse 2: I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.
Verse 5: LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.
Verses 8-9: I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure…
These snippets of the Psalm speak of David’s unshakeable faith in the Lord and confront me with the depth of my faith and trust in the Lord. Is my faith in Jesus unshakable?
I have been through some times of testing but nothing like David endured. What I need to do is stay close to the Lord and continue to build my faith muscles through obedience, believing that when the day of testing comes, I will stand strong and remain faithful.
Lord, thank You for the life You have given me. I pray for strength to stand with and for You all the days of my life. Lord, I offer my life to You, use me as You will for Your sake and for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
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