Saturday, December 13: Psalm 11- Under God's scrutiny.

David is in trouble again and he cries to the Lord for protection and help. How often we find ourselves crying to the Lord for help. Such is life in this world with devils filled, as Luther sings. We never graduate from needing the Lord’s help and salvation. David regularly and routinely reached out to the Lord when he was in trouble…

Do I? Do we? Or do we work to solve our problems through human strength and wisdom first before we turn to the Lord as our second resort?

In verse 4, David pictures God in heaven looking down, examining the whole earth.

The LORD is in his holy temple;

the LORD is on his heavenly throne.

He observes everyone on earth;

his eyes examine them.

God, David sings, is directly interested in the things of this world and how we, the people he created, live and act.

God is watching.

God is looking.

God is taking notes.

This is a sobering thought. From God’s vantage point He sees all, the righteous and the wicked, and God sees me. God is watching me and watching over me.

Because of my faith in Jesus I fear not God’s scrutiny. I recognize that I am imperfect and sin dots my life. And the Lord does certainly point out areas of sin that need to be confessed, repented of and dealt with… He watches me. And yet through faith in Jesus, God’s gaze is one that seeks to refine not destroy. I have been redeemed. I say this not with arrogance but utter humility. I can never ‘repay’ the Lord for all He has done for me. But love for Him presses me to live for Him and to live as He would desire…

Lord, God I am humbled before You. Words are slow to my tongue today; awed as I am that You saved me… that You watch over me… that You watch me.

May Your name be praised in my life and through out this world. Lead me to proclaim Your glory and name throughout this world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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