Monday, December15: Psalm 12- Ahh, the human heart.


Life, it seems, doesn’t really change. The issues and concerns we face as humans don’t really change. Oh, the mechanisms and technology at our disposal changes a lot, but the way we humans relate to and with one another hasn’t changed since this Psalm was authored a millennia ago!

We humans deceive, we boast, we flatter, we lie, we malign, we stab in the back. The powerful overrun the weak. Those who can get away with things. It is maddening, disgusting and pervasive.

David seeing this, feeling this, experiencing this cries out to the Lord, “Do something, O God.” Help, LORD, for no one is faithful anymore; those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. … You, LORD, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked… (1,7).

Do I pray to God enough about the injustice I see in the world1? Honestly, probably not. God is the One who can do things. God is the One who can raise up empowered workers to take on injustice. God is the One we need for these situations that are way beyond our ability to handle and correct!

God, teach me to pray! Lord, teach me to intercede, to stand in the gap for the hurting, the downtrodden, the broken and bruised. Lord God, teach me to lament and to cry to You for others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen


1 I am reading The Locust Effect by Gary Haugen. Its subtitle gives the plot: Why the end of poverty requires the end of violence.  It is a sad but powerful expose of parts of the world we do not want to see, but is the reality for millions. It offers more opportunities to intercede than I will need for a lifetime. It is a powerful read, if you have the time.



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