Tuesday, December 9: Psalm 7- Reputation on the line.

Again David cries out during a time of trouble. Again he believes his Lord will hear and answer. David’s walk with the Lord throughout the years strengthens his resolve and understanding that prayer works. Prayer connects us with our Lord and all the gifts, treasures and resources that the Lord possesses. Prayer is a powerful gift from the Lord!

Listening to the Psalm, verse 8b caught my attention:  … Vindicate me, LORD, according to my righteousness, according to my integrity, O Most High. The boldness of David to pray this way!!! Wow! David was willing to put his reputation and character on the line before God in his prayer to be vindicated.

I guess you could take this as a bit of arrogance… “God, I am so good, You should vindicate me.” But that is not how I hear it. Instead I hear it as “God, I try to live for You. I try to make Your integrity my model. I live differently because You are Lord of my life. Please vindicate me against my foes…”

Where I meditated was more personal, filled with questions of myself under the microscope of the Holy Spirit.

Does my life shine for the Lord?

Can He be seen in the way I live my life?

Am in so intentional in how I live for Jesus that I might dare to pray with this boldness???

Lord God, my life should be different because of You… may I let my light shine for You in such a way that people see it and are drawn to You as they see Your character and love in me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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