Monday, December 1: Song of Solomon 8- Don't give your love away too soon.

The line has been repeated numerous times through out the book. It was repeated in verse 4 and as the book comes to a close, I was drawn to meditate on it. Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. As I checked other translations the NLT was helpful: Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right.

The passion and politely mentioned erotic love woven throughout this book certainly accents to the power of erotic love. As I said yesterday, within God’s bounds sexual erotic love is a beautiful gift. But its power easily translates outside God’s designated bounds. Our world is filled with the lure of erotic passion. TV shows are growing more and more graphic and the notion that sexual love is for marriage only is virtually unknown on TV. Most shows assume that dating couples are in bed with each other. And sex apparently sells… almost everything is hawked through sensual imagery.

The song keep repeating… Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires… until the time is right. The door of sexual intimacy once opened is difficult to close again. So the singer says, don’t open it until the time is right, which in Scripture is at marriage.

As I meditated today, I pondered God’s good gift and how our world so misuses it. The pressure on young people, and dating couples in particular, is enormous. The temptation to taste the counterfeit wine of love is very strong in our world.

O, Lord, large segments of the Church are confused about sexual morals today. Help us to return to Your Word and take it to heart. Your Word is not confused. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.



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