Saturday, December 27: John 6-.

In a chapter filled with the majesty and miracles of Jesus I paused on His declaration, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty (35). I was preparing breakfast at the time so eating and drinking provided immediate connections with me.

I needed the sustenance of breakfast to get me going for the day. My body, fresh from sleep was depleted nutritionally. Additionally my body craved water, I was a touch dehydrated. I downed a tall glass of water as I read. It was both refreshing and sustaining. The food cooking would soon provide me with the energy I needed to start a long day ahead.

Jesus declares, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. Is Jesus actual food? No more than He is actual light or a gate, two of His other “I am” statements.

The imagery of the statement is wonderfully rich and I pondered all the ‘sustenance and nutrition’ Jesus provides my life every day.

Life, food and water… I need regular doses of Jesus throughout my day… meditation in the morning, prayer and praise during the day, wisdom from the Lord throughout the day. I am not healthy if I do not keep ‘eating and drinking’ of Jesus regularly. My spiritual life depletes and my spiritual life diminishes.

Thank You, Jesus, for being ‘food and drink’ for my soul. Thank You, Jesus, for nourishing me with Your life and presence throughout my day. Thank You, Jesus, for providing all I need to live and grow in You, the Father and the Spirit. Amen.


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