Wednesday, September 1: 2Kings 9- Judgment will happen.

These are gruesome days in Israel.  Sin is mounting and God’s avenging hand begins to strike the house of Ahab. These events were prophesied by Elijah in 1Kings 19.

My heart cringes as I read this chapter. I am not comfortable with all the bloodshed and brutality.

God’s judgment is not pretty. Sin, rebellion, idolatry are grievous actions against the Lord and justice demands that they be dealt with…

My mind floats from these scenes to ones in the Book of Revelation.  There will come a day when God executes His final judgment and that day will not be pretty either.

The Apostle’s Creed reminds us… “Jesus will come to judge the quick and the dead.” One of the core tenets of scripture is that God will execute His judgment. Today’s reading declares to my heart, “God’s judgment is real and it will happen in His sovereign timing.”

Lord, my heart cringes at the thought of Your judgment.  That could be me… that should be me. At that moment, I saw in a different light what Jesus’ death on the cross means. He received in His body the execution of judgment reserved for me. He took my punishment. O, God, I don’t have words to express my THANK YOU. Were it not for Your grace, I would still be marked as guilty and deserving of Your judgment.

Yet, I have been saved by Your grace.  I have not onlybeen  spared from Your wrath, I have been adopted into Your family and given the birthright of eternity with You when life here on earth ends for me…

All of this and more through faith in Jesus Christ, my Lord. O, O Thank You. O, O praise you… Amen


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