Friday, February 3: Judges 1- The need to pump up my faith and a few helps.

I found myself wondering about a number of issues as I read this chapter.

How did they inquire of the Lord in verses 1 & 2? Was it through the priests or the clan leaders? I suspect it was through the clan leaders because each tribe seemed to act independently of the others. There was no unified response to the Canaanites remaining in the Land.

I wondered why so many tribes did not oust the Canaanites, instead opting to allow them to stay.

I wondered about the significance of the statements that certain tribes didn't attack the Canaanites but when they became strong they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor (see 27-28).  Does this mean that those tribes were fighting in their own strength rather than relying on the Lord and His might?

I have many questions and few answers…

We humans are a mixed bag, faithful one moment and not the next.  It seems that the drag toward unfaithfulness is stronger so that if we don’t pump in faithfulness along the way we drift away from the Lord.

The tires on my car and bicycle need to be checked regularly and air needs to be added from time to time to maintain correct pressure. My faith walk is like that; I need to regularly pump up my faith if I want to remain faithful. Reading and meditating on Scripture, weekly worship, intentional faith conversations, prayer, acts of service and putting my faith into practice, each of these pump up my faith allowing me to maintain my walk with Jesus day by day, month by month, year by year.

This morning the Lord has reminded me how important regular faith practices are…

Lord, as I sit in the stillness this morning, I feel Your presence. I feel the life You are breathing into me as I allow Your Word to settle upon and within me. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, lead and direct me. I am Yours, gratefully and humbly, I am Yours… Through Jesus, my Lord, I pray. Amen.


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