This chapter continues which for me is a most bizarre period in Judge’s history. Israel has strayed so far from their moorings.
One tribe takes something from another tribe. Then they elevate the personal sin of Micah to a tribal sin as this entire tribe offers this false priest a more lucrative position as a tribal priest. As bad as it is when an individual loses his way, now an entire tribe has lost its way. Was the Word lost totally among the Danites?
Was there not one person who knew the truth who was willing to speak the truth?
When we lose the anchor of the Word of God situations go from bad to worse… and that is what this slice of Israel is experiencing.
My heart circles up to today. It seems that there are entire segments of the church careening off course. The Word of God has become peripheral and left to their own judgments, people are falling off the cliff of self-indulgence and sexual pleasure.
Oh. God, send your prophets to call the church back to You and the grounding of Your Word. Oh, God, release Your Spirit in powerful ways to call the wayward home.
I cannot be content and smug to point fingers only at others… I must examine myself. I must keep the Word of God central in my life. I must allow the word to correct and instruct me. I am talking about the plain and originally intended meaning of the Word of God. I cannot take only those portions of the Word that I ‘like.’ I must let the entirety of the Word speak to me, to correct me, to train me in God-honoring living…
If we want to stay close to the Lord this must be true for all of us!
Oh, God, send Your Spirit to examine and speak to me. Correct my crooked thinking. Strengthen my right thinking and create in me a humble and teachable spirit so that I remain faithful to You and Your way revealed in Your Word. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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