Saturday, December 4: Luke 4- Overwhelmed

I am overwhelmed this morning as I read this chapter. There are too many thoughts, too many ideas, too many devotional stops along the way.

I am overwhelmed by Jesus and His greatness, the magnitude of His spiritual strength, His power, His message and His forthrightness.

40 days in the desert without food and the text simply says He was hungry (2). He battles the devil with scripture.  Jesus, the Word, spoke the word accurately and forthrightly in His combat with the devil. I notice in this section that it says, When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time (13). The devil is a wily enemy, who looks for opportune times to attack and to bait us into failure.

I am reminded as I read this that I must always have my guard up against the schemes of the evil one.  I must immerse myself in scriptures so that, like Jesus, I will have the Word as a defense against attacks.

I am struck by the strength with which Jesus emerges from the desert. Luke highlights that Jesus returned… in the power of the Spirit (13). (Throughout Luke Jesus is the prototype for the spirit empowered believer, which the church realizes in Luke’s second volume call Acts). And the power of the Spirit means power in proclamation and demonstration, which sometimes elicits faith-filled responses and sometimes rejection.

Talk about being overwhelmed, I was listening to Jesus’ self declaration as Messiah by reading ‘Isaiah 61’ and then declaring, Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing (21). For me this morning, listening to Jesus speak that, was a moment for the ages. Jesus sat there and said, ‘That scripture is about ME!’ Jesus had absolute clarity about who He was and what He came to do.  The remainder of the chapter is living out that declaration… through healing, casting out demons, and preaching in the towns and villages of Judea.

This morning I have been overwhelmed by Jesus! Following my reading, I sit for a few moments catching my breath, marveling at who Jesus is.  I am marveling, also. that He has called me to live under His grace and authority.  Also to point people to Him so that they, too, might believe and surrender their lives to His lordship.

O Jesus, today in Your word was a powerful time. I saw Your strength, Your power, Your conviction, Your focus on Your call. You are the prototypical spirit-filled man and God in human flesh and I worship and adore You. Tomorrow morning I will gather with Your community and worship You and I will dine at Your table, I will listen to Your word and speak with You through prayer. O, Jesus, thank You for opening my eyes to who You are and for inviting me to worship You. I love and adore You, Jesus, together with the Father and the Spirit. Amen.


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